Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Friendships - The Butterflies In Our Lives

My First Blog Post.  So here goes...

Over the course of my life I have had many friends. Some were there for me through it all. Some were there only for a season. Some just walked away. Some caused me great pain... and I let them. While I will admit that most mornings I awake feeling good about life. Excited for a new day and a new challenge. And even some mornings... feeling like everything is going my way. There is the occasional morning when I wake up plagued with feelings of doubt and anxiety. I begin to psychoanalyze the relationships in my life. Like... I hope 'so and so' didn't take what I said the wrong way. Or... I wonder why 'so and so' never calls me anymore. Does 'so and so' really like me... or are they just putting on a show? While these are all very natural feelings... they aren't exactly valid. Hang in here with me for a minute if you will. Friendships are great. They are such sweet and special relationships in our lives that we are all oh so blessed to have - no matter HOW they turn out. Without those friendships... we wouldn't be where we are now. But you see... without GOD... friendships wouldn't matter. They would be PLAGUED with negativity. We wouldn't get to experience any joy out of them at all, because HE would never get to be a part of them. Without HIM... we WOULD wake up every morning in fear, and doubt, and anxiety, and we'd want to pull the covers over our heads and never get out of bed again. GOD... is the answer. Don't get me wrong... I LOVE MY FRIENDS. They are the butterflies in my life. Some are red. Some are purple. Some are bold. Some are graceful. Some are larger than life. And if we allow GOD into our friendships... well then... it is TRULY a FRIENDship... because GOD is our ONE TRUE FRIEND and we have invited HIM in to be a part of it. We are allowing HIM to cover and bless the both of us. I am BLESSED beyond measure to have a best friend whom I call my sister. Without her I would not be where I am today. Sometimes in my friendships, I find that it's my turn to be the loud... overbearing... sometimes overly obnoxious... fun-loving person that I KNOW I am. But I've also found that sometimes... it's my turn to be quiet in that friendship. To sit... to listen... to pray with... to wait with... to do nothing at all. LISTEN TO GOD. LISTEN... because if you are thinking about YOU the whole time... you'll NEVER get to experience the JOY that HE has for you both! If you're wondering why this or that... you're just wasting away precious time that God has given you. If you're so self-absorbed that all you think about is the YOU part of your friendship... well then my friend... you've missed the mark. And HE knows it. Because HE KNOWS ALL! To all my friends... and YOU KNOW who you are... I love you all dearly. And I want you to know that I treasure you and our special times together. By no means am I saying that I'm perfect. I fall short every day. But each day is a NEW day. And thank GOD that HIS mercies are new EVERY morning! Remember that when the tide begins to pull you away from shore. When the waves come crashing down on you and the currents of life try and pull you into the undertow... hold steadfast to HIM. For HE is the ONE TRUE NORTH. HE is the ANCHOR of our lives. May God bless you all.